Why Does My Charleston, SC Circuit Breaker Trip When the Heat Pump Turns On?

A heat pump keeps you warm when the winter temperatures in Charleston, SC drop. However, problems with your heat pump can cause it to trip your breaker when it turns on. Faulty wiring, a dirty filter, low refrigerant and fan problems can cause these circuit breaker issues.

Faulty Wiring

If your heat pump’s wires have become loose or worn out, the system might draw too much power when it starts. This surge of power could cause the breaker to trip as a safety measure.

Dirty Filter

Dust and debris can accumulate on your air filter, causing your heat pump to work harder to circulate air through your home. When this happens, it may require extra power to function. When your electrical system detects too much power flowing to your heat pump, the breaker may trip.

Low Refrigerant

Refrigerant allows the heat pump to move heat from one area to another. So, if its refrigerant has leaked out, the system will have difficulty heating your home.

This situation could also result in increased power demands, leading to a tripped circuit breaker. Refrigerant poses a safety risk, so you’ll need to ask a skilled HVAC contractor for assistance.

Fan Problems

The outdoor unit of your heat pump system contains a fan that blows air over the coils. If a twig or other obstructions block the fan, it won’t be able to move freely. Despite this, it will continue to draw power and may even convey extra electricity as it struggles, leading to a tripped breaker.

A breaker that trips frequently when your heat pump turns on can point to a variety of issues, including those related to your wiring, filter, refrigerant or fan. Rest assured that our team can assess and resolve the situation. Contact our team at M & B Heating and Air for a heat pump repair appointment in Charleston, SC.

Image provided by iStock

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