4 Furnace Odors You Shouldn’t Ignore in Your Home

Unusual furnace smells indicate something is wrong with your unit. You shouldn’t ignore them as the problem may deteriorate. Below, we’ll go through different furnace odors and what they mean in Charleston, SC.

1. Rotten Eggs

You may notice this smell if you use a gas furnace. Natural gas is highly flammable, making it a good option to heat your home. However, it may cause nausea, irregular breathing, and dizziness if you inhale it. You will get a rotten eggs smell if the gas leaks. Usually, natural gas has no odor. Gas companies add a chemical called mercaptan to allow you to detect any gas leaks. The sulfur-based chemical is responsible for the smell.

Gas leaks are dangerous and may result in a fire accident. For this reason, consider requesting professional help if you suspect your gas could be leaking.

2. Burning Smell

You may notice this smell after you turn on your furnace for the first time after a long time. Dust may collect on the unit after an extended period of inactivity. When the system starts working and warms up, this dust will burn, producing a burning smell.

The smell may go away after a few minutes. Consider having a technician clean your system before you start using it. If the odor doesn’t disappear, the blower motor could be overheating.

3. Exhaust Fumes

Your furnace eliminates gases created during combustion through a vent pipe. If this pipe has a problem, these gases will make their way into your home. Ensure this pipe is always free from obstructions to prevent dangerous gases such as carbon monoxide from entering your home.

4. Dirty Socks

Dirt and debris may clog your furnace’s drain lines. As a result, moisture remains stagnant, creating a conducive environment for biological growth to thrive. These biological contaminants cause the unpleasant dirty socks smell, interfering with your indoor air quality.

Contact M & B Heating and Air for professional HVAC services when you detect unusual smells from your system. Our service technicians will respond promptly to prevent the issue causing the odor from becoming worse.

Image provided by iStock

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