Why Is Geothermal HVAC So Efficient in Charleston, SC?
The climate in Charleston, SC creates mild winters, so homeowners here can choose geothermal heating systems over central heating and cooling systems. They make this choice to increase energy efficiency and reduce power bills. Continue reading to find out why geothermal HVAC is so efficient and how to make the most of this heating option.
Geothermal Pulls Heat From Underground
Geothermal systems have pipes installed deep into the ground, and they pull heat from the ground to heat a home. More traditional heating units have a heating element that increases or decreases the temperature.
The air the geothermal system draws from beneath the earth’s surface, below the frost level, is typically 40° to 70°F depending on the location. Geothermal heating is more efficient since the underground temperature is usually higher than the outside temperatures in winter.
It Doesn’t Burn Fuel
Central heating systems often use natural gas or propane when producing heated air. Their equipment uses blowers to circulate heated air through vents.
These heating systems drive up home heating costs since the homeowner either pays the utility company for natural gas or buys propane from a distributor. Geothermal systems use blended water-glycol solutions inside their pipes to absorb heat once the system pulls warm air from underground, so homeowners avoid added fuel costs.
It Uses Less Energy
The average cost per kilowatt-hour (kWh) in South Carolina is $0.14, and 1 kWh of electricity can produce 12,000 BTUs of cooling and heating. By comparison, according to Energy Sage, an electric furnace consumes roughly 26 kilowatts, or a little more than 100 kWh, of power daily.
Geothermal systems supply four units of heat for every unit of power they consume. The energy delivered via geothermal heating accounts for only one-third of the electricity consumed.
It Pulls Air From Inside Your Home
Geothermal systems are dual heating and cooling units. These systems pull air from inside the home and use a refrigerant solution.
The solution transfers heat from the air to produce cold air, keeping your home comfortable throughout the months when it’s hot outside. Geothermal systems also reduce humidity through the air conditioning units, which is a must in South Carolina summers.
It Doesn’t Create Heat
Heating cold air increases energy consumption and, consequently, energy-related costs. However, geothermal heating systems don’t need to do this because they start with air from the earth that doesn’t take as long to warm up to the preferred temperature. Using the system’s water-glycol solution and warmer air decreases energy consumption and costs.
It Doesn’t Use Auxiliary Heat
In South Carolina, temperatures can drop below 25 degrees in the winter. Some heating systems must use auxiliary heat to maintain comfortable temperatures. For example, air-source heat pumps use electric resistance wires in auxiliary mode to produce adequate heat in freezing temperatures, driving up energy consumption and costs.
Geothermal systems are ground-source heaters and don’t go into auxiliary mode, and they operate more efficiently during freezing winter temperatures and maintain consistent temperatures. An additional tip for saving on geothermal heating costs is to use the hold feature available on most smart thermostats to keep the system at a constant temperature setting throughout winter.
It Adapts to the Climate
Geothermal systems are more energy efficient because the changing weather won’t affect their ability to heat your home. We bury the pipes in geothermal heating systems deep inside the ground. The temperature of the heat extracted from the ground doesn’t increase or decrease according to the above-ground temperatures.
Geothermal heating systems use less energy, don’t use fuel and produce heated air by transferring heat from the earth, so they’re more energy-efficient than comparable systems. In addition, zoned heating and solar power connections are possible if you use a geothermal heating system.
Consult our team at M&B Heating and Air about geothermal heating systems and comprehensive heating repair services to help you reduce costs and enjoy improved energy efficiency.
Image provided by iStock
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